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Homecraft and secondary occupation
Competent authority: Koprivnica Križevci County, Administrative Department for economy, communal activities and agriculture, according to the location of the headquarter of homecraft and secondary occupation - Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Križevci.
Application submission method:
- through the e-Obrt online service
- through the START online service
- through e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by
- by personally coming to the competent administrative authority
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone:
- Koprivnica - 048/658 108, 048/658 109
- Križevci - 048/720 325
- Đurđevac - 048/818 423
- Law on craft ("Official Gazette" no. 143/13, 129/19, 41/20)
- Regulation on the form and content of approval for the performance of homecraft or secondary occupations ("Official Gazette" number 6/23)
- Regulation on related and privileged crafts and the way of issuing privileges ("Official Gazette" No. 42/08)
- National classification of activities 2007 ("Official Gazette" No. 52/07, 72/07)
Carrying out a certain economic activity and providing services without registering craft is enabled in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the provisions of the Law on craft through the institute of homecraft or secondary occupation, by issuing a work permit and entering it into the register of homecraft or secondary occupation.
Homecraft: making of products by a natural person at home by personal work, in the application it is necessary to specify the products that will be made at homecraft.
Secondary occupation: performing service activities at home by personal work, that is, at the customer's place. Requirement: professional qualification, appropriate secondary vocational education or master's exam for activity from the list of related crafts.
With the application for registration in the Registry are attached the following documents and evidence:
- Identification document (identity card, for inspection)
- Certificate, certificate of professional qualification or certificate of passing a master's exam for the applicant (for activities from the list of related crafts)
- Extract from the land register and consent of the owner for the facility where the headquarter of homecraft or secondary occupation is located, which is the address of the residence or place of residence of the natural person which performs the homecraft or secondary occupation
- Proof of the right to use the premises - lease agreement or extract from the land register and consent of the owner
- Proof of compliance with special health conditions, if this is required by a special law
- Confirmation that the taxpayer is not entered in the register of taxpayers based on self-employed activity, that he is not in the value added tax (VAT) system, and that he is not registered as an income tax payer based on self employed activity in agriculture
The administrative fee is not paid.