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MINIMUM TECHNICAL CONDITIONS - hospitality facilities from the group "Restaurants", "Bars", "Catering facilities" and "Simple service facilities"
Competent authority: Koprivnica Križevci County, Administrative Department for economy, communal activities and agriculture according to the address of hospitality facility - Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Križevci.
Application submission method:
- through the application of the Central tourist register eTurizam -
- through e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by
- by personally coming to the competent administrative authority
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone:
- Koprivnica - 048/658 108, 048/658 109
- Križevci - 048/720 325
- Đurđevac - 048/818 423
- Law on hospitality activities ("Official Gazette" No. 85/15, 121/16, 99/18, 25/19, 98/19, 39/19, 42/20, 126/21)
- Rulebook on the classification and minimum conditions of hospitality facilities from the group "Restaurants", "Bars", "Catering facilities" and "Simple service facilities" ("Official Gazette" number: 82/07, 82/09, 75/12, 69/13 , 150/14)
- Regulation on the Tariff of Administrative Fees ("Official Gazette" No. 156/22) - Tar. no. 14.
- a natural person - a craftsman or a legal person - a trading company or a cooperative, who meet the legal requirements for performing hospitality activities, and exceptionally, this activity can be performed by other natural and legal persons in accordance with the provisions of the Law and with the fulfillment of the prescribed conditions: citizens in the household, on the family farm, certain associations and institutions.
In order to perform hospitality activities in a catering facility, the minimum technical and other requirements for the type of arrangement and equipment of the catering facility, services and other conditions prescribed by the Act and regulations adopted on the basis of this Act must be met.
Exceptionally, if catering activities of the same type have already been carried out in the catering establishment and if the conditions regarding space, decoration and equipment have not changed, in the administrative procedure of issuing a decision to the new caterer, it is not necessary to carry out a new inspection of the establishment, that is it is carried out at the request of the caterer, in accordance with the Law on hospitality activities, a decision on the continuation of catering activities of the same type by inspecting the documentation, without conducting an inspection.
With the request, the party must attach:
- Proof of registration (Excerpt from the court register of the Commercial court for legal entities, Extract from the trade register for natural persons)
- Notification on the classification of the State institute of statistics (only trading companies) Proof of the right to use the hospitality facility (Excerpt from the land register, Contract for the lease of business premises, Contract for the lease of public space, etc.)
- A graphic solution that shows the area, height and description of the rooms
- Proof of use of the building in accordance with the Law on construction ("Official Gazette" No. 153/13, 20/17, 39/19, 125/19)
- Decision on implemented noise protection measures (issued by the Ministry of health)
- Proof of correctness of electrical installations, ventilation, etc.
- Proof of the correctness/functionality of the ventilation in the catering establishment
- Proof of correctness and tightness of gas installations (proof of functionality and chimney maintenance) if there is a gas installation in the restaurant
- Proof that the facility is connected to the public sewer network, and where this possibility is not available, proof that this has been solved in accordance with special regulations
- Proof of payment of the administrative fee State budget of the Republic of Croatia, giro account number: HR1210010051863000160, call number (64) 5002-27669-OIB)
- types: restaurant, inn, health center, snack bar, bakery, pizzeria, bistro, pastry shop, facility fast food, meal preparation (catering) - 18.58 euros
- types: night club, night bar, disco club - 74.32 euros
- types: cafe, coffee bar, pub, buffet, tavern, tavern, cellar, beach bar, tasting room - 27.87 euros
- types: object of simple services in a kiosk, object of simple fast services, object of simple services in a stationary vehicle or trailer, object of simple services in a tent, object of simple services on a bench, object of simple services on a trolley (or similar devices) - 18.58 euros types: overnight accommodation, children's resort, hostel, mountain lodge, hunting lodge, school or student dormitory, or academy, facility for Robinson accommodation - 27.87 euros types: campsite - 27.87 euros