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Funeral service
Competent authority: Koprivnica Križevci County, Administrative Department for economy, communal activities and agriculture according to the place of activity performed - Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Križevci.
Application submission method:
- via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by
- by personally coming to the competent administrative authority
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone number: :
- Koprivnica - 048/658 108, 048/658 109
- Križevci - 048/720 325
- Đurđevac - 048/818 423
- Law on funeral services ("Official Gazette" No. 36/15, 98/19)
- Trade law ("Official Gazette" No. 87/08, 96/08, 116/08, 114/11, 68/13, 30/14, 32/19, 98/19, 32/20)
- Regulation on minimum technical conditions relating to sales facilities, equipment and resources in sales facilities and conditions for the sale of goods outside stores ("Official Gazette" no. 66/09, 108/09, 8/10, 108/14).
The obligor:
- a legal or natural person registered in the appropriate register for performing of funeral services is obliged to obtain a decision on the fulfillment of the conditions for the performance of funeral services before starting to perform the service.
With the application, the party must attach:
- Decision or extract from the court or trade register
- Proof that the mortician meets the special requirement of professional qualification for performing funeral activities or employs a full-time worker who meets this requirement (Certificate of professional qualification, Employment contract)
- Insurance contract for the case of liability for damage caused by the performance of funeral services, and that for an insurance sum in amount of no less than HRK 20,000.00/€2,654.46 (fixed conversion rate HRK 7.53450) per one harmful event, respectively HRK 100,000.00 /€13,272.28 (fixed conversion rate HRK 7.53450) for all damage reporting forms in one insurance year
- Proof of ownership or lease of business premises or funeral center (Excerpt from the land register, lease agreement, etc.)
- Proof of ownership or lease of at least one funeral vehicle and attestation for that vehicle issued at the vehicle technical inspection station proving that it meets the requirements for the transportation of dead and mortal remains
- Proof of ownership or lease of a parking lot for funeral vehicles, that is that it has a place available where it can keep funeral vehicles in a way that meets the minimum technical and organizational conditions for safe parking
- Decision on meeting minimum technical, sanitary and other conditions of space and equipment for carrying out funeral activities.
The administrative fee is not paid.