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Activity of trade
Competent authority: Koprivnica Križevci County, Administrative Department for economy, communal activities and agriculture, according to the location of sales activity - Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Križevci.
Način podnošenja zahtjeva:
through the website: eOffice for trade activities - via
through e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by
by personally coming to the competent administrative authority
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone:
- Koprivnica - 048/658 108, 048/658 109
- Križevci - 048/720 325
- Đurđevac - 048/818 423
- Law on trade ("Official Gazette" no. 87/08, 116/08, 76/09 Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, 114/11, 68/13, 30/14, 32/19, 98/19, 32/20, 33/23)
- Regulation on minimum technical and other conditions relating to sales facilities, equipment and resources in sales facilities and conditions for the sale of goods outside stores ("Official Gazette" no. 66/09, 108/09, 8/10, 108/14)
- Regulation on the classification of shops and other forms of retail trade ("Official Gazette" No. 39/09, 46/15),
- National classification of activities 2007 – NKD 2007 ("Official Gazette" No. 58/07, 72/07) of the Construction Act ("Official Gazette" No. 153/13, 20/17, 39/19, 125/19)
Determination of minimum technical conditions
Obligor: Any legal or natural person registered for the purchase and sale of goods (merchant), as well as other legal and natural persons registered for the production activity, when they sell their products at retail (family farms, associations, cooperatives, institutions, commercial fishermen and other).
Exceptionally, without a new decision on fulfillment of the conditions, the trade activity can be carried out in sales facilities in accordance with the provisions of the Law, if a decision of the competent authority on the fulfillment of the conditions for the performance of the trade activity has already been issued for the same sales facility, if it is a matter of continuing the performance of the trade activity, and in the meantime there have been no significant changes related to the sales facility, equipment and means used to carry out trade activities, if it is not about food and goods dangerous to the life and health of people and animals, as well as nature and the environment.
With the request, the party must attach:
- Proof of correctness of electrical installations, ventilation, etc.
- Evidence for the use of the building in accordance with the provisions of the Construction Act
- A graphic solution that shows the area, height and description of the rooms
- Proof of the right to use the property for sale (Excerpt from the land register, Contract for the lease of business premises, Contract for the lease of public space, etc.)
- Notification on the classification of the Central bureau of statistics (only trading companies) Proof of registration (Excerpt from the court register of the Commercial court for legal entities, Extract from the trade register for natural persons)
- Proof of the correctness/functionality of ventilation when trading with plant protection products and when thermal processing of food is carried out inside the store
- Decision on implemented noise protection measures (issued by the Ministry of Health)
- Proof of correctness and tightness of gas installations (proof of functionality and chimney maintenance) if there is a gas installation in the sales premises
- Proof of payment of the administrative fee
- State budget of the Republic of Croatia, giro account HR1210010051863000160, call number (64) 5002-27669-OIB
- for sales facilities with an area of up to 200 m²…………………………………..……… 17.25 euros
- for sales facilities with an area of more than 200 m²…………………………………..… EUR 37.16
- for sales premises where the trade activity is carried out outside the stores... EUR 6.64
- State budget of the Republic of Croatia, giro account HR1210010051863000160, call number (64) 5002-27669-OIB