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License to provide railway services
Competent authority: Koprivnica Križevci County, Administrative Department for economy, communal activities and agriculture according to the address of headquarter of the transporter - Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Križevci.
Application submission method:
- through e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by
- by personally coming to the competent administrative body
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone:
- Koprivnica - 048/658 108, 048/658 109
- Križevci - 048/720 325
- Đurđevac - 048/818 423
- Law on road transport ("Official Gazette" no. 41/18, 98/19, 30/21, 89/21, 114/22)
- Regulation on licenses in road transport activities ("Official Gazette" No. 50/18)
- Regulation on bus stations ("Official Gazette" No. 57/18)
Based on Article 99 of the Law on road transport and the Regulation on licenses in road transport activities, the activity of providing railway services can be performed by a legal or natural person - a craftsman, who meets the following conditions:
- that it is registered to perform that activity
- that owns or leases a bus station facility and has a license to perform that activity
- that he meets the requirement of professional training, employment of persons responsible for transport (the transport manager is the transporter himself or an employed professional person who meets the requirements for a transport manager):
- passed the professional qualification exam, or
- the authorized person responsible for transport from the faculty (masters degree) road major , or
- the authorized person responsible for transport from faculty (bachelors degree) road major , or
- concluded a contract on the performance of transport manager duties with a natural person who is professionally trained as a transport manager, that is with a legal entity that employs a professionally trained transport manager
- good reputation - data on good reputation will be obtained by this administrative authority by official duty
"(1) A good reputation, in the sense of this Law, does not include a legal person or a transport manager in a legal person and a natural person - a craftsman or another natural person:
- who was found guilty by a final verdict of committing a criminal offense against labor relations and social security (Chapter XII of the Criminal law), the environment (Chapter XX of the Criminal law), general safety (Chapter XXI of the Criminal law), traffic safety (Chapter XXII of the Criminal Code law), property (Chapter XXIII of the Criminal law), economy (Chapter XXIV of the Criminal law, the criminal offense of forgery (Chapter XXVI of the Criminal law) or due to the criminal offense of breach of official duty (Chapter XXVIII of the Criminal law)
- which has been issued a protective measure prohibiting the performance of road transport activities or
- who was sentenced to prison for other crimes.
(2) Good reputation, in the sense of this Law, also includes no person who, in the last three years until the date of submission of the application for the issuance of the license, by a final judgment of the court competent for offense cases or by a final offense order of the competent authority, has been punished for a serious offense more than twice connected with the performance of road transport of passengers or cargo, serious offense in the field of road traffic safety, transport of dangerous substances, illegal work and employment, unfair competition, that is for actions contrary to the provisions of international agreements.
(3) A serious offense from paragraph 2 of this article is considered to be a offense for which the law prescribes a fine for a legal person and a natural person - craftsman in the amount of at least HRK 35,000.00/€4,645.30 (fixed conversion rate HRK 7.53450 ), that is, for the responsible person or other natural person in the amount of at least HRK 20,000.00/€2,654.46 (fixed conversion rate HRK 7.53450).
(4) As an exception to paragraph 3 of this article, for transporters that carry out autotaxi transportation of passengers, a serious offense from paragraph 2 of this article is considered to be an offense for which a fine for a legal entity and a natural person - craftsman in the amount of at least 25,000 is prescribed by law HRK 0.00/€3,318.07 (fixed conversion rate HRK 7.53450), that is for a responsible person or other natural person in the amount of at least HRK 10,000.00/€1,327.23 (fixed conversion rate HRK 7.53450).
(5) In the sense of this Law, the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this article acquires a good reputation anew by undergoing rehabilitation, in accordance with the special regulations regulating the offense and criminal liability of legal and natural persons.
(6) When assessing good reputation, the methodology for calculating the frequency of repeated violations is applied depending on the number of drivers managed by the transport manager, in accordance with the provisions of Annex II. from Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/403 and provisions of Article 6, paragraph 2, point a) of Regulation (EC) no. 1071/2009."
With the request, the party must attach:
- proof of the right to use the space
- proof of meeting the requirements of the business premises based on the Law on construction-
- proof of professional qualification proof of paid administrative fee
Administrative fee:
Tar. no. 15 of the Regulation on the tariff of administrative fees ("Official Gazette" No. 156/22):
Administrative fee - payment - State budget of the Republic of Croatia, giro account HR1210010051863000160, reference number (64) 5002-27669-OIB of the applicant
- 139.36 euros - for issuing licenses for the performance of station services