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Transportation of people and cargo for own needs
Competent body: Koprivnica KriževcI County, Administrative Department for economy, communal activities and agriculture according to the address of the headquarter of the transporter - Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Križevci.
Application submission method:
- through e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by
- by personally coming to the competent administrative authority
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone:
- Koprivnica – 048/658 211, 048/658 108, 048/658 109
- Križevci - 048/720 325
- Đurđevac - 048/818 423
- Law on road transport ("Official Gazette" no. 41/18, 98/19, 30/21, 89/21, 114/22)
- Regulation on licenses in road transport activities ("Official Gazette" No. 50/18)
- Regulation on special conditions for vehicles used for public road transport and transport for personal use ("Official Gazette" No. 50/18, 56/19, 107/20, 147/21, 71/22)
Transportation for own needs is the transportation of persons or cargo performed by natural persons - craftsmen or legal entities as logistical support for their basic activity, where the basic activity is impossible to perform without such transportation, and the transportation activity is only an auxiliary activity of that person in performing the main activity, and which does not have the characteristics of other forms of transport.
Vehicles that are used for transport for own needs must be owned by the transporter that carries out transport for its own needs or must be leased by the transporter based on a rental or leasing contract or must be available for use based on another basis (sublease, etc. .).
The vehicles with which the transporter carries out transport for its own needs must be marked and equipped in accordance with the regulation from Art. 13th st.7. of the Law on road transport.
A transporter that carries out transport for its own needs is obliged to report the same to the competent administrative authority of the county in which it has its seat or residence.
The competent administrative authority for transport affairs issues a registration for transport for its own needs to the transporter.
Registration of transport for own needs is issued for an indefinite period.
With the request, the party must attach:
- Proof that the transporter is the owner of the vehicle used to transport cargo for his own needs - a copy of the traffic license, or proof that he has the right to use the vehicle - Vehicle rental agreement or leasing agreement
- Proof that the person driving the vehicle used for transportation for their own needs is employed by the transporter - this is proven by an employment contract or an application for pension and health insurance
- That the vehicle used for transportation for own needs meets the conditions related to the age, devices and equipment of the vehicle - this is proven by a certificate/document issued by the vehicle technical inspection station
- Proof of paid administrative fee
Administrative fee:
Tar. no. 15 of the Regulation on the tariff of administrative fee
Administrative fees ("Official Gazette" No. 156/22): Administrative fee - payment - State budget of the Republic of Croatia, giro account HR1210010051863000160, reference number (64) 5002-27669-OIB of the applicant
- 66.36 euros - for issuing a transport registration for personal needs
- 4.65 euros - for issuing a excerpt of transport registration for personal needs for an individual vehicle