Single digital gateway

Competent authority: Koprivnica Križevci County, Administrative Department for economy, communal activities and agriculture, according to the location of the craft's headquarters - Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Križevci.
Application submission method:
- through the e-Obrt online service
- through the START online service
- through e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by
- by personally coming to the competent administrative authority
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone:
- Koprivnica - 048/658 108, 048/658 109
- Križevci - 048/720 325
- Đurđevac - 048/818 423
- Law on craft ("Official Gazette" no. 143/13, 129/19, 41/20)
- Regulation on the content and form of the craft certificate ("Official Gazette" number 101/15), Regulation on the form and the way of documenting the Crafts Register ("Official Gazette" No. 58/09)
- Regulation on the form and content of approval for the performance of homecraft or secondary occupations ("Official Gazette" number 100/07)
- Regulation on related and privileged crafts and the way of issuing privileges ("Official Gazette" No. 42/08)
- Regulation on crafts that can be performed in residential premises ("Official Gazette" number 101/95)
- National classification of activities 2007 ("Official Gazette" No. 52/07, 72/07)
- Law on regulated professions and recognition of foreign professional qualifications ("Official Gazette" No. 82/15, 70/19, 47/20)
- Regulation on issuance of EU certificate ("Official Gazette" No. 123/15, 123/20)
- Regulation on traditional and artistic crafts ("Official Gazette" number 112/07)
Craft - within the meaning of the provisions of the Law on crafts, the independent and permanent performance of permitted economic activities by natural persons for the purpose of achieving income or profits realized through production, trade or the provision of services on the market.
Registration in the Craft register of a new craft, the termination of a craft and all changes in the status of a craft is carried out by making a rescript in the administrative procedure and issuing a craft certificate.
Establishment of a craft:
The request for registration in the Crafts register is submitted by filling out the prescribed form - Application for registration in the Crafts register, which contains data about the owner of the craft, about the craft and the activities of the craft in accordance with the National classification of activities (NKD 2007) - the numerical designation of the activity of craft.
Crafts within the meaning of the Law on Craft can be:
- Freelance craft for performing for which is not requested professional qualification exam, master's exam or appropriate qualification,
- Related trades for the performance for which as a condition is required an examination on professional qualification, an appropriate secondary vocational qualification or a master's examination
- Privileged crafts that the craftsman may perform only on the basis of a privilege, respectively a permit which is issued by the competent ministry depending on the craft's activity.
e-Obrt – online application for registration of craft
The electronic service e-Obrt is provided by the Ministry of economy and sustainable development through the e-Građani system, through which current or future craftsmen can submit an application for the establishment of a craft, or enter status changes without going to the competent registration body, and the craftsman his craft certificate, a decision on opening a craft and an extract from the Craft register after the procedure has been carried out, he receives through his personal user mailbox.
START – online application for registration of Craft
Entrepreneurs in Croatia can start their business or establishment through the digital service of the Government of the Republic of Croatia - START. It is an information system that enables quick and easy starting of business electronically.
Precondition: having a credential, which means an electronic ID card or a FINA certificate.
EU citizens: can use the e-Građani system in the Republic of Croatia using their national credential, that is a means of their electronic identity verification, recognized in the EU cross-border identification system.
The request for registration in the Craft register is submitted by filling in the prescribed form - Application for registration in the Craft Register (2 copies). The application contains data about the owner, data about the craft and name.
The following documents and evidence are attached to the enrollment application:
- Identification document (identity card, for inspection),
- Certificate or assurance of professional qualification, that is certificate of passed master's exam (for related crafts) for the owner of craft or professional person if the owner himself does not meet the requirements of the related craft
- Proof of the right to use commercial/residential premises - lease agreement for commercial premises or an extract from the land register and consent of the owner
- Proof of compliance with special health conditions, if required by a special law
- Agreement on joint performance of a craft - if it is a joint craft
The administrative fee is not paid.
Before start of work of craft, catering and transport activities, the craftsman is obliged to request the determination of meeting the minimum technical conditions for space and equipment and other conditions prescribed by the law, that is bringing a decision on meeting the conditions (permission to work), that is issuing a license.
Certificates of non-punishment and pronounced measures of the Court of honor are obtained by the administrative body by official duty upon receipt of the request.
The company is the name under which the craft operates, and it contains the name of the craft, craft mark, first and last name of the craftsman and the headquarters of the craft. The name of the craft must be clearly different from the name of another craft based in the Republic of Croatia. Therefore, it is definitely necessary to determine the factual situation by checking on the website whether there is already an active craft with an identical craft name.
When registering in the Craft register, names and numerical codes of craft activities are entered according to the National classification of activities (NKD 2007 with explanations). The National classification of activities is the classification of all economic activities of the Republic of Croatia.
By the Register of related and privileged crafts and the Method of issuing privileges are prescribed related crafts, the level and type of professional training required for their performance, the list of privileged crafts and the method of issuing privileges.
If the craft is registered in the Craft register without starting to work, the craftsman is obliged to start with work of the craft within one year from the day of issuing the Craft certificate. No later than eight days before the start of the work of craft, the craftsman reports the work of the craft on the form Application for registration in the Craft register. If the craftsman does not start with the work of the craft within one year or does not notify this Administrative department about the beginning of the work of craft, the craft ceases work by force of law. Before starting the work of craft, catering and transport activities, the craftsman is obliged to request the determination of the minimum technical conditions for space and equipment for craft and catering activities, or the determination of the legally prescribed conditions for the vehicle for transport activities. Only after obtaining a decision on the minimum technical conditions can the party (trader, caterer, transporter) start performing activities.
Traditional and artistic crafts
Traditional crafts are crafts that require special knowledge of craft skills and skills in the performance of activities, and which are performed with the majority of manual work, and which rely on the patterns of traditional culture and in terms of production and work techniques, so in this sense they can symbolize local, regional or national identity.
Artistic crafts are crafts that are characterized by products and services of high aesthetic value, design, artistic and other solutions with emphasized creativity and individuality of the craftsman - artist.
The conditions and method of acquiring the status of traditional or artistic craft are prescribed by the Regulation on traditional or artistic craft