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Activity of a nanny
Competent authority: Koprivnica KriževcI County, Administrative Department for economy, communal activities and agriculture according to the place of activity performed - Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Križevci.
Application submission method:
- via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by
by personally coming to the competent administrative authority
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone number:
- Koprivnica - 048/658 108, 048/658 109
- Križevci - 048/720 325
- Đurđevac - 048/818 423
Law on nannies (OG 37/13, 98/19)
Regulation on the conditions of the premises, the provision of the premises with appropriate equipment and other conditions for performing the activity of a nanny (Official Gazette 74/13, 27/20)
Condition: A natural person - a craftsman registered in the Trade register with a registered activity of a nanny, entered in the directory of nannies and which has a business or residential space and equipment that meets the requirements for performing the activity of a nanny in accordance with special regulations.
With the request, the party must attach:
- Extract from the trade register
- Proof of the right to use residential or business premises: Extract from the land register or lease agreement for business premises (for a period of at least three years)
- Written consent of all owners, certified by a notary public (for business premises)
- Written consent of all adult members of legal age, certified by a notary public (for residential premises)
- Certificate on the correctness of the electrical installation, ventilation, gas installation, the healthiness of the drinking water, other evidence (according to the committee's assessment).
The administrative fee is not paid.